Running in Stoke Park since 2009!
Wilf Harrington – Bsc Exercise Sports Science – Founder Lifechange Personal Training – Sports Performance Coach
Megan Stoner – MA Health, Science & Society – Certified BISMA Personal Trainer – Health & Wellbeing Specialist
TRY US FOR FREE – All enquiries to Wilf: Keepfitcaddie@gmail.com / 07590482629
Come and try Ladiesfitnesscamps with our no obligation free trial. We think you will love us, our friendly environment, and most important our effective and varied sessions.
Mon 1840 -1925. Wed & Fri 0630 – 0715
Class sizes limited to 14 people
We are a small ladies only camp, with class sizes limited to 14 people to ensure you get the proper care and technical help you need. We are passionate about keeping you injury free so your journey to fitness doesn’t get interupted.
We have ladies that have been with us for over 10 years at Ladiesfitnesscamps, because not only do they love the supportive environment, but they love the results of their training. Ultimately that’s what we all want right? to look and feel great; exercise that is going to get the results that we want, in the time that we have in our fast moving worlds.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to be with us 10 years to see results! You can comfortably drop a dress size in as little as 4 weeks; just take a look at our success stories page… So whether you are looking for some quick results with an event coming up or for long term health and wellness you cant find what your need with Wilf, Meg and Ladiesfitnesscamps.
Our sessions will leave you fitter, leaner, sleeping better and feeling great! We are all done in 45 effective minutes. All you need is you, and mat and some water. We will even supply you our simple eating plan.
Why not try us this week?! Fun, Fast & Sociable Exercise
Come and meet the girls and discover why our way of exercising will put a smile on your face, NOT a frown!
You will Find:
Boxing – Our campers love it! We give a variety of drills and exercises to keep your training fun, while maintaining an infectious level of energy among the group. We have boxing exercises to shape the whole body!
Bands – A workout with a difference that will tone & strengthen your sides, tummy, thighs, arms and importantly as ladies your mid/upper back – helping take tension away from your neck and adding strength to your posture. We work with the same style, lighter version of bands that American Football teams use in their pre-season training!
Circuits – These are a real ‘heart-raiser’, time to work against the clock, yet allowing you to work at your own maximum pace, whatever your current fitness level. Need more of a challenge and I will upgrade your exercise, struggling and I will give you an easier version. We look after you as individuals. Using the natural environment around you; benches, hills, steps or even brick walls, we guarantee a fast, exhilarating challnenge that will leave nothing unworked! Our circuits shred fat and create the long lean toned look that we all want.
Suspension Trainer/TRX – We use the suspension trainers attached to the Monkey bar section of the new outdoor gym area located adjacent to the Nightingale Road entrance. Here we can do so much. Much of the main focus is stimulating the back/posture muscles.
Pilates & Yoga – No ohms here – our style of these 2 disciplines allows you to lower your heart rate whilst improving your flexibility & tone.
Cardio Intervals – Boo to long bouts of jogging. Our style is quick, manageable and adds fun and pace to your sessions. The contstant flow of each session, interspersed with short cardio bursts is much more effective at stripping unwanted fat. You may have heard of HIIT training. This is essentially it!