
Wilf Harrington – BSc Personal Trainer

How Our Camps Began

Hi. My name is Wilf Harrington.

Ladiesfitnesscamps were founded back in 2008, and i’ve been running them since 2009..

We focus our attention on our Guildford Stoke Park group which meets year round. The great news for us this year is Megan has joined the team, to keep things fresh/interesting for the group. Meg will run the Wed sessions full time from Jan 2023 🙂

With strength and determination, any obstacle can be conquered, and I’d like to think that Ladies Fitness Camps can help many women beat feelings of negative body image, increase their health & fitness levels while boosting their confidence too.

Our group is a mixed friendly bunch, friendships have been formed through the classes and our annual Christmas and summer parties are looked forward to by everyone, perhaps even more so than the sessions! Just relaxed social evenings where we don the glad rags and head for a bite and a drink, with no exercise in sight!

If you try one of our Camps I truly believe you’ll experience these benefits for yourself too.

Here’s to YOU looking and feeling GREAT!


Our Unique Approach to Your Fitness

Our approach to ‘Boot Camps’ is different to many of the fitness classes you may have tried. We don’t just bunch you up into a huge group and lose you in the crowd.

Instead I like to take a personal approach (One of the reasons for our class size limit of 14), making sure you fit in from the start. We will introduce you to other members, give you an ‘exercise buddy’, and ensure that you’re comfortable with the exercises and challenges presented.

We screen you for any injuries or joint problems, and adapt the session as needed to suit your level of fitness and ability. Of course, if you’re already fit, we’ll push you, but our Camps are not designed to ‘break’ you!

Members can be sure that all workouts, challenges and circuits are out together with thought and purpose. We always want to give you the highest standard of training, and the latest, most effective approach to exercise, designed to get you fit and achieve your desired results both sustainably and quickly.